Sunday, January 11, 2009

I just can't stop!!

Oh how I love to make these!!! This one went together lots easier than the first. The first wasn't hard, but you know how it goes.......the more you make, the easier it gets. The funny thing with this one was, I originally bought this patterned paper to use the other side of it. When I got home and really looked at it, I realized there was some sort of printing defect on that side. On all of the sheets!!! I actually like this side better. I guess what they say is true, everything happens for a reason. I can still use the scraps of the other side for cards, it's just that the defect was smack dab in the middle and I couldn't avoid it showing up on the CardKeeper. Here is the link to the CardKeepers site.


  1. Hi Heather, Just noticed you started a blog! Yeah!! Love your card keepers. I have a few but have never decorated them. I need to do that.

  2. Wow! It's spo pretty and bright. I love it.

